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. They are in the top drawer of the nightstand, by the bed," Sergeant Mahdi stammered in terror.The tall man nodded to the shorter man, and the shorter man rushed back out of the cell. The shorter man had barely disappeared through the door, when a woman that was obviously not of Arabic descent entered the cell."Let's get you decent, dear," the woman said in passable Arabic, as she wrapped one of the silk sheets from the large bed around Jamil. "Cody will get those chains off you in just a moment." Thank you," Jamil said hesitantly, looking at her rescuers in shock.A short, dark haired woman about Jamil's age entered the cell. A tall blonde woman followed her. The blonde woman stamped hard on the Sergeant's foot as she walked past him."I'm so sorry, Sergeant," the blonde said in English, with obviously false sympathy in her voice. She had to speak loud to be heard over his howls of pain."Briana," the tall man said patiently, "You can have him after I've finished with him."Jamil's. However, later that night, I had a couple of shots and mustered up my courage to approach her. I knew I could not control my sexual feelings for her any longer.Finally, I approached her. She was standing by the wall and looking out of the window with a drink in her hand. I rushed to her and gave a quick kiss in her plumpy lips and pulled back.She gave me a questioning stare. I told her that I was imagining about her ever since our threesome while gently squeezing her boobs from top of her dress. She then pulled me in for a deep kiss. I had no idea how much I longed for that kiss from the past one week. While kissing, our hands were exploring each other’s body.The lights were dim and the music was playing in a high volume with hardly anyone noticing us. Therefore, she had put her hand inside my pantie by lifting my frock a little up. I unbuttoned her top button and her boobs were barely inside her dress anymore. I began to squeeze them while she was squeezing my ass.I went near her.
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