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Father relaxed at this, smiled and asked. Your mother is a great fuck, isn't she Rolf. I smiled and replied; Yes father, she is very enjoyable, and so are the twin's. You don't mind if I fuck the women of this house do you father, even though you can't. Father said; Not at all son, you are doing such a really great job with them. We should get you some of the other women in the family to come and visit us. I'm sure your Aunt's and cousin's would enjoy being fucked as much as our women folk. Mother came off father's, four inch dick and said; Oh, Rolf, they would love to be fucked by you, they would also love to carry your children, if you gave them a chance that is. Father said; Oh that would be every so nice to see.I said; Very well mother, call them tonight and invite them down for a week or two, at our lake house. Mother replied; yes dear, first thing tomorrow. I said; No mother tonight. Mother said; yes dear, tonight. After I came in mother cunt, I was given a really good cleaning. She screamed, at first in pain as those fingers ripped with little concern through the thin membrane that at one time had protected her innocence. And then with pleasure as a wide thumb rubbed with slick finesse against her swollen clit, strumming taut nerve endings until pleasure burst through her system, seeming with no end as her body tightened and pulled at the bonds that held her bound.The prince, a man too lazy to provide for his own pleasure, to incompetent to be left to his own devices, stirred languidly against the soft pillow upon which he rested, his body too plump to rise on its own power. He watched as the girl, her name he'd forgotten, was pleasured by his manservant, and thought of how she'd fought so valiantly in the beginning. It was almost tiring, her attempts to preserve something that held such little worth as proof of virginity for a commoner such as she, but this girl had bit and kicked in the attempt.He yawned, barely able to cover his mouth, and glanced up as.
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