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My cock was throbbing and oozing precum everywhere, so I kept the vibrator in her pussy and put my cock in her hungry waiting mouth. I pulled my cock out and as she stuck out her tongue I milked a long stroke of my cock and watched a large bead of precum drip onto her tongue. Instead of swallowing it she just left her tongue out with my precum stringing from it. I knew what she was thinking, I immediately went down and we engaged in a very passionatte cum sharing kiss. I really couldn't take much more so I put my cum covered cock in her soaking wet pussy and stroked her deep. Sometimes my cock is too big to go all the way but she was really turned on. I couldn't go deep enough. I lifted her feet all the way up and pulled out of her pussy and shoved my cock into her ass. I start by pushing my head into her opening then watching if she had pleasure or pain on her face. This time it was nothing but pleasure. She was begging me to fuck her ass. I grabbed her feet and started sucking . He explained that he had thought the woman was out of her room for the day so his friend had broken in to the room to rob her. But the woman must have returned to her room unseen and so his accomplice had entered the room to find her still there. He also told Steve about the briefcase that the woman refused to let go of."Call your mate and get him here right now!" Steve ordered.A few minutes later the clerk's accomplice sat beside him in the office, and having received the same threats, told Steve his own version of what had happened in the motel room and then looked expectantly at Steve."So you expect me to believe that a well dressed, mature, attractive woman in her forties offered to fuck a decrepit petty thief like you rather than hand over a briefcase?" Steve said in response the tissue of lies he had just heard."I told you dude, we wrestled, I got on top of her and cut away her panties, and when I fingered her cunt she got hot all hot for me man. She said she would fuck and.
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