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It was getting harder and harder to do so because she was getting more and more powerful. She had went there on vacation, after helping beat back Galactus and his Heralds with help of the world heroes and villain. It was one of those epic battles they had ever years that involve multiple people and a lot of property damage. After that long battle she needed a vacation. It been 2 days and so far she found no one who could truly keep up with her. Little did She Hulk know that her prayers would soon be anwered? She lay on the beach parting her legs lazily fingering herself. She moaned as one hand was on her breast sucking one of her nipples. The other hand was between her legs, using two fingers to part her pussy lips and she pushed the middle finger deep into her pussy. She moaned as she let it swirl around inside her, pushing it in and out. She let out a moan as her pussy juiced dripped down. She grabbed a coconut that was cut in half and filled with fruity liquor. She looked. “Is there anything I should be doing to you?” she asked.“Yes, there is. Since this is your fantasy we’re bringing to life, would you like to seduce me or me you?”“Could you do something to me then have me repeat it with you?”“Absolutely!”“Let’s start by kissing and feeling the others breasts. I’ll give you my tongue then you slide yours into my mouth.”“Karen, you’re going to drag this seduction out, all we want to do is taste her pussy and have her lick ours, then watch her being fucked by Dan,” Tina said.“You know there’s more to women loving each other than that. We do want her needing to come back very often to be with us.”“Actually, another fantasy my husband and I have is doing it with another woman, a threesome and another one of mine are two men with me,” Lisa admitted.“I’m first to be with them,” Karen said.“I’m sure John won’t mind if I join him to fuck you,” Dan added.“You’re the one I’d want,” Lisa said caressing Karen’s breast.“Enough talk for now and more action,” Karen.
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