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" Are you sure, Betts?" Maggie asked. "You realize the roads won't be cleared. You may also run across closed roads or damaged bridges." That may be, but I still want to try. I'm worrying about Sara's brother, and I know everyone else has been exposed as well. If I can bring a few of them up here or help some of them recover, then I'd like to try." How about we plan your trip for you?" David suggested. "I think I've got some roadmaps in the house. We can plan alternate routes so if you find the road closed you can always double back and take a different path." Yeah, I think that both David and I know the roads between there and here pretty well," Maggie said, "and I'm sure Bobby can talk to the sheriff about which roads are in the best condition."So they headed back into the house, ready to start the next task now that they had something to work towards. Everyone seemed anxious to do something productive. Games were fine if you were stuck, but you could only tease your hero if he. My way.Glancing at Caitlin, he extended his hand until he was touching the healer. Caitlin has seen you, but it was my fault. You did well with the nurse. I sincerely appreciate it. Thank you Little One, he finished as he gently squeezed her for a second.{{{ Your new mate will be better soon. I will not let her die. I only need a little while longer with her heart. Her brain will be easier to repair. But I will need more time later to bring her back to full health. }}}Her message was sent with an emotion. And although the feeling was odd, he had no doubt that it was her version of love. He wasn't sure where the love was directed, but it was more than the usual feeling of contentment that Little One exhibited as she worked. Vaguely wondering, he caressed the healer for a moment before moving the sheet back into position.Glancing at Caitlin, he took a breath. With his exceptional low-light vision, he saw that her face looked as if all the blood had drained from it.Caitlin stared at.
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