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Just a few push in and pull out and my pussy is dripping. I couldn't believe it at first. I could fill a cup with my juice, my pussy is like a faucet. One layer of towel won't keep my bed dry for sure. It makes very erotic sounds so I put my microphone closer to it. He shows me everything, I want to give him something to, even if it is only a sound. The voice of my extremely wet pussy. After he finishes, I log out, turn off every internet connection and start recording myself masturbating. It's better than any porn. First I let the camera see my pussy and my boobs, then the focus goes to the glass dildo and my dripping fluid. It covers my butt and makes my anal plug more shiny. After a while I change position: I turn on the flashlight of my phone, still recording with it. I put it on the bed. I'm on my knees right now, spreading my legs over the camera.I start pushing and pulling the glass dildo intensively, let my juice fall on my phone, cover the camera. It is a very pervy video,. Our plans wouldn't start until eight. We can go have dinner with your family and then you're all mine."Gary pulled her down on top of him. Ginger squealed and kissed him. "I'll always be yours you know that."Ginger nodded. "Yes I know."The next evening, Gary was anxious to know what Ginger had in store for him. He kept asking her but she wouldn't give in to the big secret.They were both dressed and ready to go to Gary's mom's house for dinner. Gary couldn't wait to see his mom and grandmother but dreaded seeing Danny and Sally there.Gary and Ginger arrived at Alice's house five after six. Alice answered the door and immediately hugged Gary. "Gary! Happy birthday!" Thanks mom," Gary said as he pulled away from his mother's embrace."Mom, you remember Ginger right?"Ginger stood behind Gary feeling extremely nervous. Alice looked at the girl that stood before her. Her red hair was held back by two shiny hair clips and she wore comfortable blue jeans, brown boots and a soft white sweater..
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