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She tsked him and moved in to feed it between his lips, running a finger along his cheek when he had swallowed it. His features were broad and angelic at once. She kissed him. He kissed her back, watching Anna out one eye. She studied them, amused. Leia pulled away and produced another pill from her clutch. This one was pink. She raised a brow at Anna. “Your turn.” “What, on earth, could that be for?” “My girlfriend tells me this changes how it feels.” “She's poisoning both us,” Matt said, sipping on wine. Anna let it be fed to her, swallowing it dry. “And you?” “I'll take it if it makes you feel better, but I still have my V, and I'm not planning to lose it in this lifetime – not here. It wouldn't do me any good.” Anna eyed her a moment, then pushed her over the table, straddling her. She kissed down Leia's neck to her collar bone and then tugged at Leia's bra with her teeth. She pulled it down and sucked on her nipple. Leia twisted her hands in Anna's hair and pressed her hips. Whoa. Whoa.”Annabelle walked out to join Mistress Joan as Midnight finally came to a stop. Nicole was wobbling in the saddle and probably would have fallen off if she was not so firmly held and impaled.“Make sure you wipe him down good and curry comb him when you get back,” Mistress Joan said.“Frank usually does that,” Annabelle said, “but it might be good experience for cowgirl to do it.”Mistress Joan just laughed and said, “She already looks like she’s been rode hard and put away wet.”Annabelle suddenly stood very still. “Hmmm,” she said. “Maybe that is what my naked little cowgirl needs so she has a better understanding of horses.”“What do you have in mind?” Mistress Joan asked.“If cowgirl will come back next weekend,” Annabelle said, “I may just have to borrow some of your specialty items from your locked shed.” She then walked over to Midnight and untied his reins from the saddlehorn.“Come on, my wet naked little cowgirl,” she said almost laughing. “We still have to get back to.
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