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I still thought that I could have gone years withoutseeing him again. But we had agreed to sing the duets at one of hisconcerts and at one of mine. Here in his hometown was the perfect placeto sing them, so I had no real choice in the matter. Many of my fansites even speculated that he would be on the stage at some point thisevening, and I wasn't going to let my feelings disappoint them. I wasstill upset at how Josh had treated me, but I wasn't going to do thesame thing to him."Thanks for letting me join you this evening," Josh continued, his smilebroadening even further as he thought about the love songs we would besinging with each other this evening. I smiled back, but I didn't feelremotely the same way he obviously did."It's the least I could do," I told him. "I mean, it isn't the StaplesCenter, but it's the best I've got."He laughed at my joke, thankfully. I was half-worried that he would feelslighted for performing in front of a crowd of 5,000 instead of the20,000 that had been. And for three years, I have been terribly and quite pathetically in love with you. We met at the gym, I admired the definition of your perfect muscles, the peculiar colour of your skin. Your laugh sent shivers throughout my body. You never found it weird that I'd pass my hands through your hair, that I'd jokingly grab your crotch or randomly hug you. We were close, like brothers. Then one day, while we were training, you told me the most wonderful thing. The night before, you said, you had watched gay porn for the very first time. And loved it. It was "different". I played along, told you I'd give it a try too, if you could recommend some videos. You came back the next week with a cd full with more than three hours of men-on-men sex. Since then, you'd constantly email me links to more porn. I jerked off to every single thing you sent me, imagining you watching them with me. As the months passed, our relationship changed. We flirted, constantly. You called me once and asked me to.
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