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I like a little bit of my butt cheeks covered !!One weekend I was at the beach and had just got all set up it was about 10 a.m. in the morning I laid out on my blanket; On my stomach reading a book there weren't many people there yet but the sun felt nice and warm on my ass... I just started putting on some suntan oil when this young guy came up and just sat on my blanket and started talking to me at first I just kind of ignored him I'm not sure if he knew I was a cross-dresser I have no hair on my body at that time ... But he seemed okay and he was talking about some interesting things so we started talking to him....... I started putting suntan oil on my arms… The guy gently reached over and took it from me and told me; Here Let Me Do That.. so I laid back out and relaxed .. I kind of like it that he just told me and took control… He rubbed it on my back; My ass cheeks tightened as he squirted The warm oil on my lower legs then he spread it round on my lower legs.. I can feel my. His lower lip was trembling.“You here for dick, old man?” I barked at him, clenching my spit-covered rod in my fist and starting to milk pre-cum out of my slit.He started to stammer at me, but I just spun around, put my knees up and leaned back on my elbows. “Suck it!” I yelled at him.I pulled my fist off my cock and he took it in his skinny white fingers. He jerked it a couple of times and then leaned over sideways and swallowed my joint.I flicked away my smoke and put my hand on the back of his head, holding his face all the way down so my hairy balls were right under his chin, and then let him go as he was starting to gag.I reached over for another smoke and after I lit up, I gave him a stiff smack up the side of his head.“Do me, motherfucker,” I told him with my smoke in my mouth.Even though he was sucking me like a pro, and giving my fuzzy balls a nice tongue bath when he needed a break from my boner, I kept slapping him around and telling him what to do. No sooner did I.
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