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We were both cumming together so much. Just breathless and laughing and moaning. I'm sure everyone in the hotel could hear us but I didn't care. All I could feel and know in that moment was you and how happy I was to get my little booty onto your big beautiful cock. I just kept having wave after wave of rippling orgasm feeling your warm cum pumping into me! I had been so afraid of not being able to take you. After our first night together I felt so crazy about not wanting to lose you. I was so happy when we started making plans to get together again. All I could think about was how determined I was to make it work and please you as much as possible. I was so relieved with the way you took your time with me. It made all the difference in the world and it helped me to just relax and let things happen. After last night I just had to tell you how amazing it's all been and how happy it makes me that we met. We're such a good fit and I know you feel it too. Even after you came so hard. " Of course."We were up to dance and down to rest for the next couple of hours. We danced more Salsa, Cha Cha and Rumba. He started with basic stuff because he had not had a chance to watch me dance to assess my level. But he was so good: he led so well, and it was so sensual.If you haven't been Latin dancing, you probably can't understand. The sexual energy in the room was palpable. I was not unaffected. Rodolfo was not doing anything inappropriate or even suggestive. There was just an aura of sexuality about him. He couldn't help it."Please, Margot, can I get you a drink?" Are you trying to get me a little drunk?" Please, Margot. Why would I do that to such an angel?"Oh, my. "Okay. I'll have a grasshopper." That couldn't do too much harm, could it? "I'll be right back. I'm going to the Ladies' Room."I checked myself out in the mirror before returning. No wonder Rodolfo was interested. How could he not be?As I reached the table I saw him say something to the band leader and head back.
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