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Graydon would wax the flat-bladed shovel and begin cutting blocks from the deep snow, lifting each, and heaving it to the side. It would take him most of a day to move the snow from between the tire ruts. If the snow had fallen that deep, then he would also get out a ladder and cautiously shovel snow off the porch roof and the chicken house, lest the weight collapse them. The other roofs, the house and outbuildings, had been built with steeply-pitched roofs. They would clear themselves. Crashing snowslides would tumble from them before enough weight could accumulate to threaten the structure.The animals drank the running water of the irrigation ditches, year around. Thick ice would cover the ditches; every day Graydon chopped holes in the ice so the animals could drink. If their small goat herd was confined to the barn, he would carry water inside to fill a watering trough made from a cut-down water heater shell.He would fork hay down from the loft into the mangers, and pitch their. "I only ordered one... for now," I said as he brought the tray. He replied, "If you sit in Jack's booth, you always get a double order." Then he laughed a deep, rumbling laugh and added, "Trust me, you'll need it."I reached for my drink, but almost dropped it halfway to my mouth. The other glass sitting on the table was now almost one-fourth empty. "What the hell?" I said aloud as I looked around. I took a deep draw on my ale. When I set my glass back down, I could see that the other glass was now half empty."I wish to hell I knew what was going on," I muttered to myself.A soft voice said, "Wish granted," and suddenly there was another person sitting in the booth across from me. Maybe "person" isn't quite the correct word. He was human shaped, about my size, with black hair and a closely trimmed black mustache which blended into a goatee. He was very strangely dressed in a bright blue vest over his naked chest and very loose, deep purple pantaloon pants. What was really.
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