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”When I was finished with my running and pool time, I had to get showered and ready for the luncheon. My clit was throbbing and I was so wet. I hadn’t realized that just a new type of plug could steer my thoughts toward sex so constantly. When Grandpa removed it and let me relieve myself before I showered, I almost begged him to push it back in and pull it out again. The sensation was incredible.I showered with cooler water to try and calm myself down. When I was finished, however, Grandpa re-inserted the cleaned plug. My ass felt open and ready and I had months before I would have any kind of sex at all.When my make-up was flawless and my hair dried and curled as Grandpa had instructed me, I had to get dressed. Grandpa had laid out my clothes, as usual. I put on the baby blue dress, made entirely of lace with long sleeves that belled at the wrists. The hem came to just below my ass cheeks where the 6” fringe began. It was a sweet little hippie dress and the neckline was. I saw Hanna peek around the corner before she came out and asked Shawna to come with her. In a couple of minutes Sue, Betty, Joan, and Hanna came out, leading diminutive Shawna in a pale yellow, satiny, pair of loose legged shorts and a sleeveless blouse top that was short, just a little below her breasts, leaving her stomach exposed.They had Shawna stand in front of Charlie and Betty said, "Pretend it's bed time or that it's playtime, and Shawna is teasing you, wearing this to entice you to have fun. We're curious how you would enjoy her, how you would remove the clothes before you ravished her."Charlie looked a little confused and said, "We ah, Shawna ah, doesn't wear anything to bed. When she's horny she just strips and starts climbing all over me." Okay, pretend that she wants to tease you a little. To have you do the romantic thing, have you play with her, and take the clothes off her. Do that so we can see if this is a good item."Shawna came closer to Charlie and bent down and.
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