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We stood there, locked in our incestuous embrace, hands roaming over forbidden flesh uninhibited whilst we soaked in the warmth. Eventually, I reached up behind her, picking up the soap and washcloth, and began to scrub my mother clean, beginning with her back and working my way down her glorious body. She returned the favour once I was finished; by the time she reached my groin, I was again erect. Smiling up at me, she dropped to her knees on the cold, hard tiles of the shower floor, took me into her mouth, and cleaned first one leg and then the other with soap. Having finished, I was afraid she would end what she was doing and leave me hanging; instead, she slid the soap and cloth into a corner of the shower where the spray would not erode the soap. Her hands free, she redoubled her efforts, attacking me furiously. Throughout the night of passion I'd shared with my mother, then Liira sealing our deal with her unique stamp, followed by the sex we'd had against the shower wall, I had. Both had black hair but the second looked relatively human, except in the eyes. The young child's eyes were the color of charcoal and his heart was equally as black.As his eyes passed over Talas the Grand Admiral visibly flinched as looked into the eyes of pure evil.The wounded son struck hard and fast sending a force push into his brother and smash him into the far wall. Picking up a shard of glass he leapt on his fallen sibling trying to stab him.They struggled and fought with the black eyed one shoving him off using his legs. In fight for survival the bottom one had cut his hands on the glass weapon.The first one hit the ground and quickly came to his feet. Before he attacked again Demus raised a hand, and shot bolts of electricity from each of his fingers between the two boys."Enough." Demus said as calm as can be.He found this to be an interesting surprise. Demus had only expected to find one that would be stronger than the others. Not only did he see two survivors, but they were.
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