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Plus, I'm not fat. What I am is lean with nicely developed muscles. My nips are huge, although I'm just an 'A' cup. My cunt, which I keep waxed smooth, is nice an full -- perfect for taking the pounding of a hard cock, or dildo, or whip, for that matter, and my clit is something all the doms absolutely love to torture because it's so big. And sensitive. And I respond well to over-stimulation and extreme sensation. Kinda makes things a bitch when I'm on the handle-side of the whip."Yes, there are rings in my nipples," I said, "and no, we're not going to discuss this." I'll go..." If you go to Dad, you'll ruin the entire holiday," I counter before she could finish her sentence. "And with the rest of the family here, do you really want to do that?"She pouted for a moment, and it struck me just how incredibly pretty she was. People say we look alike, but we really don't. Terri's far better looking than me, with slightly wider hips and slightly larger breasts. She's also really in shape,. She was wearing skin-tone pantyhose with contrasting black suspenders. Her eyes were fixed on his, burning into him as she wriggled her hips until her concertinaed skirt revealed her white panties. Drew gasped. Her panties followed every contour of her pudenda, from her smooth mound of Venus to the camel toe that had formed between her legs. Drew saw that her panties were a shade lighter there and he knew that she had made them wet. Lisa’s next move was to grab his tie and she removed the knot deftly and then took hold of each end and used them to pull Drew towards her. Drew found himself looking up at her magnificent breasts as she spoke. “Do you know why I treat you how I do?” she asked. “I don't.” “Because it makes me hot, it makes me horny Drew.” Lisa licked her fingers and brushed the front of her panties, rubbing them against the front of her pussy. She looked down, and Drew knew she had noticed the swelling in his trousers. “Take it out!|” “Lisa, I’m dating. I’m flattered,.
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