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Trygg works for him. So do all the men who live in this particular Slaver settlement. On the arm of Trygg’s soiled uniform is a badge, bearing Jackran-ad-aktar’s livery. Before being captured, I’d hoped for a rewarding career in the service of the Republic, travelling in a series of postings to liaise with the governments of pleasant, civilized, planets. I’d studied hard, learning about political theory; sociology, history; math.None of these skills are useful in a sex slave. All that matters is the skills relating to pleasing men, and making myself as arousing as possible to them. Under Trygg, sometimes literally under him, is a female – Alurri. She is a rare thing – a slave who resides permanently on Aghara-Penthay. Alurri’s responsibility is to teach us all the things which we need to understand for our new lives. In exhaustingly long days, we learn how a sex slave serves food and drink; how to walk and move; slave poses, and rituals for how to present ourselves; how to wash a. I pointed to the laptop in one corner of the room and explained that I’d had a laptop stolen recently and as a precaution I’d installed an anti-theft tracking package that was motion activated and recorded sound and vision so everything she’d said about blackmailing me and Susan’s theft was all safely recorded and stored in the cloud. The smile fell from her face as she realised they were bang to rights and she’d made it worse with the threat of blackmail. So, I repeated my offer of £1500 or all three take a punishment from me. What choice did they have? Each one in turn agreed to taking my punishment.They were easy meat as they hadn’t even asked what the punishment was and now it was time to tell them. From my golf bag I produced a thin cane, about thirty-six inches long and just under half an inch thick. Amongst other things I used it to help look for lost golf balls in the rough, but today it would be used to remind three young women the error of their ways.I flexed it between my.
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