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Halfway up her thigh, I could feel her tensing more as the soft cloth tickled. I was greeted with pink at the end of the skirt’s rise. Around her waist, her pussy was exposed. It glistened in the lamplight, moist and ready. My cock struggled against my pants leg, yearing to be free, needing to be plunged deep into her juicy cunt. I slid a finger in slowly, her pussy tensing and squeezing. Her back arched and her legs spread more, allowing me full access. I was close enough to smell her pussy, its sweet aroma pushing me beyond the barrier of inhibition. All thoughts of turning around were gone now. I unbuckled my pants and unleashed my prick, fully erect and throbbing with desire. Reaching down, I lifted her legs and spread them, moving between her thighs. The tip of my dick rest on her clit. I flexed my muscles to make it bounce. She moaned and quivered, the gooseflesh returning. I pulled down her to to expose her breasts. I knelt down and sucked each nipple, kneading thwm between my. The ladder remained in the backyard, right next to Erica’s window. After dinner, unable to stay away, I rode my bike down her street. The ladder was there, but I was just in time to see her leave for a date, dressed in a short dress and high heels. Insanely jealous of the guy in the sports car who picked her up, I nevertheless stared avidly at her legs as she walked from the house to the car. Her hemline rose high on her thighs as she swung her legs into the car. At 11:30, I was in place, watching from the bushes for her return. She finally got back at a bit after midnight and remained in the car for several minutes. She adjusted her dress when she came out. As soon as she entered the house, I scooted to the back and swiftly climbed the ladder, keeping my head low. A hand-held mirror gave me a view into the room. I had to wait several minutes before the light in Erica’s room went on. The teen beauty never looked at the window, but sat on her bed with her back to me. The view I got.
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