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She glanced around making sure she was out of eye line of anyone before sliding her hand up her skirt to her still bare pussy. She was pretty sure it had been wet all day; surprised every time she left a class room and there wasn’t a damp patch on her seat. She found her clit, she was only going to have a little play, just to pass the time, but the more she played the better it felt, the harder she rubbed, soon she had two fingers in her while her thumb rubbed frantically on her sweet bud. She reminded herself to open her eyes, not to get carried away; she was still on school grounds, on a picnic bench out in the open. She thought she saw something to her left, someone watching but when she turned no one was there. A little thrill she hadn’t expected ran through her at the thought of someone she didn’t know watching her please herself. He saw her straight away as he walked out of school, he thought he imagined her head tilting the way it did when she was close to coming; he took a. I find myself flirting all the time. I saw an ex I hadn’t seen in years and put on new lipstick for the occasion. I send one of my similarly afflicted female friends a steady stream of GIFs of Chris Hemsworth nearly falling out of his low-slung jeans in Thor. I still don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me accept I am constantly changing my panties or pressing my clitoris against some bar stool as I think about cock.So how did this all happen to me, a good christian girl?Being such a good girl meant I needed to know what constituted a bad girl, in order to avoid these pitfalls or the devils work.I was encouraged to establish a relationship with our local priest, a close friend of my mother and I could remember when he came around for morning coffee I was encouraged to sit on his lap, and more importantly, sit properly, in his lap and not his legs, but where he had a bump that I could feel pushing into my pee pee.Mother herself was a woman like 'Carrie's' Mother, God fearing and.
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