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I was now at a point I was ready to retire from the service as a Colonel. I went in as an enlisted man and over the years I gained an education and now hold a Bachelors of Science in Psychology, a Masters in Electrical Engineering and a Doctorate in Computer Science. I know it's kind of a hodgepodge of degrees, but you take what courses are available where you are stationed or what you can get from correspondence courses from different universities in the states by what is available where you are. In the service I have worked as an electronics technician, and analyst and then as an officer as a maintenance officer, and squadron commander.I look now at this home that I grew up in and think I have had barracks rooms much larger by far than my old room in the attic. But growing up I thought of this room as my castle. I had the small rooms off the main room as my own dungeons and hiding places when I was still small. Now at six foot-three, I can't even stand up straight in this space,. It was fun, but I could just tell that there was no way this place would still be around 3 months down the line. The place was very now, and not likely to last in the long run. When I got to the place I noticed that this wasn’t the ‘girls only’ night out I’d imagined it to be. Saira had shown up with Christopher, Eloise had brought her life-partner Deanne along and even Jade had showed up with a date. Good thing I could always rely on Kylie to show up alone like me for our nights out. We got our drinks, sat down at a booth and immediately started chattering on about what was new with us. ‘So, we hear things are pretty serious with you and Shrini.’ Saira said to the group more than me. ‘You do? And where do you hear these things?’ ‘From my amazing boyfriend,’ said Saira as she turned to kiss Christopher. ‘Shrini told me about how supportive you were throughout the recent crisis with his mom.’ Christopher explained. I shrugged my shoulders. ‘Nayana, I’ve known that man for years and.
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