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’ One of them said, thumping the bill of my orange cap. ‘Oh yeah, has anyone warned you about Marla yet?’ The gates had opened and the crowds were swarming through the stadium. I walked through the concourse with a couple of cops. I kept my eyes on the crowd as I’d been trained to do. The cops whispered into their radios that we were on our way down to the locker rooms. The attendants down there would prep everyone for inspection, making sure of there were anything to be found it was gone by the time we got there. We took the elevators down a level and swept through the lockers looking for contraband. We found nothing, the teams were clean, both coaches were amiable and we were back in the elevator after 20 minutes. ‘Okay, Sonny,’ said one of the cops as he unbuttoned his shirt pocket and unfolded a duty roster. ‘You’ll be on the field in front of sections 8 and 9 today. That puts you right behind the home team, so you’ll have your hands full with loaded fans.’ ‘Sounds fine by me,’ I. But not that much, or I wouldn't have brought him in the house in the first place. Listen, Sophia, I have horrific memories of our years together. Those just won't go away. However, I give him all the credit in the world for turning his life around. Some men like him never do that. At least he realized what he had become, and got help." He told me that's why he left." Yeah, and I do understand that. Leaving was the right thing to do, for all of us. I do wish he had come back, to you, sooner than he did." I do, too. But he's here, now. And he's trying, he really is." I know. Which is why I am determined to not let it bother me. He is your father. Anything he and I ever had between us is dead and buried, except that he gave me you and I am eternally grateful for that." Sophia smiled. "But other than that, he's nothing to me. But he is your father, and always will be. And if you want a relationship with him, then you should have one." Thanks, Mom." She looked at her mother with a.
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