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“Ready” she asked and Hank nodded, unable to speak in his lust.He held the bowl just below Julies ass and watched her anus open smoothly and wid and the head of a dark brown log of dung eased out – 8 or 9 inches before Julie squeezed her ass to make it drop into the bowl. A stream of slightly lighter shit followed in a rush and it was too much for Hank. He clung onto the bowl but his penis twitched uncontrollably and ejaculated a stream of spunk onto Julies shit, her cunt and up on her pubic hair.“SHIT” Hank gasped and as he said it, Julies first gush of urine spurted out over the top of the bowl and onto Hanks spunking cock and up onto his stomach. Julie moved slightly to point her piss down into the bowl and then farted and pushed out another soft brown turd which dropped with a splishing sound onto her dung and urine.Behind Julie on the bed Sally watched as Terrys semen dripped a little from her mouth and Terrys young cock quickly regained its stiffness as he saw Julies shit. Of course, this wasn't sufficient in our state, so they had added a number of items which even we couldn't just overlook. The sign for instance. Absolutely no entry except for scheduled bus services. That didn't leave much room for doubt. There was even an inferred This means you!In case you haven't realised, we were at the mouth of a bus tunnel. It was used as a shortcut through a major obstacle to traffic to the suburbs. During the day, buses stropped through here at great speed, controlled by a synchronised set of traffic lights at either end, and it was unusual for more than ten minutes to go by without one of the lumbering beasts to push their way through the darkness, full of fare payers all in an awful rush.But now it was late, and dark, and I was fairly sure that no more buses were scheduled for the next hour or so. Fairly sure, but not certain.One of the guys had quietly dared everyone to run through the tunnel instead of waiting, but no-one took him seriously, at least for.
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