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He does a few sets and asks me if I would like to try. As I sit down he reaches across me; his chest in my face and the smell of sweat all over him; to pick a weight. The weight is much lighter than his but as I press through the exercise you can see the strain of the muscle and the desired effect. After a few reps he stops me and then start to explain the exercise and what is suppose to do. At first he points to the inside of my thigh and then touches me. As he moves to point to the inside of knee closest to him he places his entire palm and runs his hand all the way up to where the inside of my thigh meets my crotch. He notices the bulge in my pants growing as he gets closer to it. When his is done with his explanation we move on to another piece of equipment.Back to the bench press we go. The amount of weight he loads on the bar is almost three times my body weight. He lays back and puts his hands on the bar. I am standing next to him my leg touching his; I can feel his calf. She proved the truth of that statement. She lifted the tail of the white shirt and Bob found himself looking at a burning bush, her bright-red pubic hair spread lavishly across her white loins. “You seem to be in difficulty,” Bob said. His cock had quivered a bit at the sight of that big, hairy cunt, for he was a potent fellow quite capable of getting an instant hard-on despite all the spunk that he poured into his bride every morning and night. “Yeah, it’s a bitch,” she said. She shook her head and her copper coils cascaded around her face. “On top of everything else, my vibrator broke,” she added. “I beg your pardon?” “My vibrator. It broke this morning. You know… One of those things that a girl uses to vibrate her clit. It wasn’t so bad being cooped up here while I had the vibrator. I could spend my time buzzing myself off. But now I got nothing to do and the landlord don’t come until tomorrow.” “I see.”“I tried finger fucking like I used to do when I was a kid, but it isn’t the.
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