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Started my work there. I am the best in every field.One day, I got a call on my office landline to meet HR at the office about some formalities. I went to the HR cabin and saw a knowing face in the chair. Tried hard to recognize but was not getting. Suddenly searched for her ID card and saw a name ‘ROSY’. I was surprised to see her. But in real, she was looking fairer than before. And she was having a perfect fucking figure of 36-28-38. A sex goddess for me. Was wishing to lick her pink fatty lips right there. May be she had increased in color. I told her in excitement ‘Hi, do you remember me?’ She replied NO. I didn’t increase the conversation and let the things go as normal. I signed few papers, and left her cabin. After that I couldn’t work that day. I reached my lonely room and planned a different way to fuck her. And this time for sure.I pinged her again stating ‘Hi, why didn’t you recognize me in office?’ Suddenly got a reply, ‘Is that you, seriously?’I replied YES. Then I. Dearest Dot, It’s been quite an adventure over the Christmas holiday. I can’t tell you exactly where I was (the censors would take it out), but, I’m sure you’ve read all about it in the papers. My unit got overrun, and I was separated from it. I was able to find shelter in a farmhouse nearby. The farmer, his wife, and their daughter, welcomed me like I was some sort of hero. The German‘s were everywhere! I couldn‘t get back to our lines, even if I knew where they were. Rolf and Elfie hid me in the attic with their daughter, Annike whenever the German‘s showed up. We were up their for most of one day, while a German patrol looted the kitchen. Annike was just 16. Pretty, blonde, small breasted, but very curious. At one point a German soldier looked into the attic. We hid, huddled together under a blanket, until he left, satisfied that there was nothing there worth taking. In broken English, Annike asked me to kiss her. Since the war started there were no boys around and she wanted to.
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