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The trip today is a regular run to villages along a safe route, so no trouble is expected by anyone. Like their company commander often says, “We’re going with the convoys because the orders have all of the convoys go with guards.”The convoy leaves before dawn and, an hour after their lunch break, it’s almost to its first destination when the lead supply truck suddenly stops. Naturally the rest of the convoy stops behind it and the Sergeant has his vehicle turn around to come back. The driver of the stopped vehicle is out and has the bonnet up like there’s an issue with the motor.There’s something about the way the driver keeps looking around the area that worries James so he exits his truck while saying, “Right, everyone out and set up about the vehicle. I don’t like this.” In seconds his men are out and spread out on the road around their transport. He’s on the radio informing the Sergeant about his actions and concerns when four rocket propelled grenades fly out of the rocks to. . Stacy Richards. She's ours for the evening." Jesus."They couldn't believe it. Stacy Richards; the Stacy Richards who had been flaunting herself in front of them from the sidelines these last three years; the Stacy Richards who had teased them, yet only gone out with the quarterbacks and other stars; the Stacy Richards of their dreams. Bill moved forward first, reaching into the locker."Wait," Biff told him. Barry had given him some instructions. "Just wait a second."Biff moved forward and looked down on Stacy. She looked back up at him, tears of humiliation burning in her large, green eyes; tears of humiliation... and something else. He reached down and gently took away the barbell handle she had been sucking on. She moaned softly, but didn't resist as he slid it out from between her lips."Stacy," he said quietly, "is there something you'd like to say?" Despite what Barry had told him, Biff still couldn't really believe she would say it. Once again, he was surprised."Fuck me," she.
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