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I went into the garage and got the yard tools. It still somewhat early, about 8 am, so I started by pulling weeds. Unfortunately, one of Heather’s neighbors was outside lying on a lounge chair. It appeared to be a girl of about eighteen, working on her tan and wearing a floral print bikini. At first, I tried to squat to pull weeds, but discovered that that caused the robe to open in the front, and resorted to kneeling with my backside away from them as much as possible.Apparently, she must have caught a glimpse because she got up and came over to the property line. “You know, you probably shouldn’t be doing that in a bathrobe,” she said in a friendly tone.“Um, Hi. I didn’t want to get my clothes dirty,” I muttered lamely. Obviously I couldn’t tell her that I had been ordered to by the girl blackmailing me. Heather must have seen me talking to her and started walking my way from the house.“Well, you seem to by showing a lot more than you mean to,” she said, “unless that is your. So I told her that I would definitely keep in touch with her and that as soon as I could I would come back and get the same room and have it set up so she could meet me there. She said great and that it was time for her to log off as she was tired after the intense orgasm that she had and that she hoped to talk to me soon. We said our good byes and I logged off and climbed into bed. I slept like a baby and dreamed of making love to Trudy all night long. I woke up at about 7 am and got up took a shower and got something to eat at the Denny’s next door and hit the road. I drove straight though till I got back home. It was nice to be home again as the hours on the road can get boring real fast. I proceeded to walk around the ranch and make sure that everything was in order and after seeing everything looked good went into the house and started reading all the mail that had piled up after I left for WI. While reading the mail I came across a bank statement for my San Diego office. The.
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