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It couldn't have been more than ten minutes when I saw his headlights pulling into my driveway and then heard his car door open and close. I walked to the front door in anticipation and waited for his knock. When the knocked finally came, I open the door and let him into my house.James was only a few blocks from home. He had decided not to stay overnight because his friend's mother had fallen ill and he just felt it would be better if he let the family have some privacy. He had tried to call home but all he got was the answering machine. He knew better than to call mom at work, unless it was a dire emergency, so he figured he would just drive home and spend some time with mom. He came around the corner and saw a new BMW parked in the driveway. Unusual, he thought. I didn't know mom was expecting company tonight. Then he noticed that there weren't any lights on in the house. What was going on, he wondered? James walked up to the front door and peered in the side window, but saw. Earl had walked up on my side and started pinching my nipple while stroking his shaft. I reached out and grabbed it and helped him stroke it as it slowly got hard. Tom finally groaned and sunk his cock as deep as it would go before shooting his load deep inside me. Tom pulled out and came around in front of me and said he needed to be cleaned up so Jerome moved around back to take his turn fucking me while I licked and sucked Tom clean. Jerome lubed his rod and positioned himself behind me. I reached back and spread my ass cheeks apart to make it easier for him to penetrate me. It went in easier than I thought it would and Tom’s cum deep inside me made it easy for him to fully penetrate me. Soon I was taking all nine plus inches of his fat cock as he pounded harder and harder with each stroke. Earl then took his place in front and fed me his monster. Since it was thinner that Jerome’s was it easily slid down my throat. I never dreamed I could take something so long down my throat and.
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