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One night while we were out at a dance club we ran into George, a casual friend of ours. He was flirting with me as the night wore on and the drinks were flowing. I was having a blast but I knew my husband would be getting too drunk to drive so I limited myself to 2 drinks early in the evening and started drinking water about two hours before we left the club. I didn’t have to be drunk to have fun, the attention I was getting from George was all the fun I needed. We danced to five or six songs and the longer we danced, the touchier he got. At one point I felt a solid hard-on press against me through his jeans. I commented that he’s all charged and ready to go with his wife when he gets home. He replied that maybe he’ll get his usual maintenance sex, a “stick it in, cum and roll over session” is what he called it. I chided him a little by saying that maybe it’s not exciting because he didn’t make an effort to do something exciting. “No”, he said “I’ve tried everything, I think she’s. Pak Bejo mencium bibir mungil Anissa sementara tangannya bergerilya meremasi buah dada sang dara jelita. Tubuh gemuk besar Pak Bejo menindih tubuh mungil Anis di bawah langit malam terang, udara dingin berhembus menerpa kedua tubuh telanjang yang bermandikan keringat.Pak Bejo menarik puting payudara Anissa dengan gigi dan menggigitinya kecil-kecil, ia juga mencupang balon buah dada gadis itu hingga membekas merah. Ketika gadis itu lengah, Pak Bejo menempatkan kemaluannya di mulut vagina Anissa sebelum dara cantik itu sadar apa yang akan segera dilakukan oleh sang pria tua bejat.“Jangan Pak! Jangaaaaaaan!!!” rengek Anissa mencoba menghalangi Pak Bejo mengambil miliknya yang sangat berharga dan tak tergantikan itu. Tapi Pak Bejo jauh lebih kuat dan nafsu birahinya sudah sampai ke ujung ubun, Anis tak berdaya dalam pelukan Pak Bejo. Rengekan mohon ampun dari Anis malah semakin membuat Pak Bejo bernafsu, ia menyiapkan penisnya untuk melakukan tugas yang paling menyenangkan, merenggut.
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