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LOST LOVE'S LAMENTATIONShe wore roses where the nipplesOf her breasts should be, and flowersFloated in her hair, and there were chocolatesStored down there, among the petalsOf her soft, pink femininity, waiting to blossom,Just for me, back then, when I was youngAnd had not seen the blooms that menOffer upon upright stems, and I wanted herTo love me, to flower, just for me, once,Upon a time, way back. . . then. . . . HEDONISTIC GIRLWe seek ourselves in metaphors,Never knowing who or what we areUntil we learn who and what we are not,And, bereft of the opposite sex,I wonder as I wander, seeking, on my quest,A mirror to mirror my true soul,A fountain of the deep that is deeper yetThan the soul I keep, a looking-glassThat does not look upon a topsy-turvyWorld of white rabbits and caterpillars,But it is too much, I think, to ask,And I simplify, hearing, smelling, tasting,Touching, blind to the rest of me,Insensible to revelation, sightless to epiphany,My only metaphor the perceptionOf. The past month had been a nightmare! He hadn't been able to find one assignment, and odd jobs had been almost impossible to find. As a result, he'd landed in Dallas with less than three hundred dollars to his name. For the last week he'd been sleeping in the car to save money. And for the first time Scott Nelson was considering selling his equipment and looking for work with an accounting firm."Scott! Scott Nelson!"Scott turned as he climbed out of the car and found himself staring at one of his oldest friends, Harry Halliday."Harry!" Scott exclaimed, walking over and shaking his friend's hand earnestly. "My God, Harry, what are you doing in Dallas?" I was about to ask you the same thing!" Harry responded with a broad smile. "Hey, let's have lunch together."Scott hesitated, thinking of his seriously depleted funds, then agreed. He hadn't seen Harry Halliday since Chicago! Harry had been a junior executive with a sporting goods manufacturing company and on his way up the corporate.
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