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Undecided herself about her own future but certain it did not lie on the island, Amélie was growing desperate to find a way to accompany him.In the meantime, with the added freedom that came with her eighteenth birthday, Amélie applied some of the lessons she’d learned from Anne-Marie. She didn’t understand the connection, the why of it, that is, but she understood and loved the feeling when it came. The struggle, the physical struggle, metamorphosed for her from fighting to arousal, to the avalanche of emotions and physical side effects of sexual longing.Amélie surprised Gérard the first time this happened. They had been wrestling, hidden away in an unused bedroom on the far end of the guest wing of the plantation because Father and Grace had told them it was unseemly for them to wrestle together any more.The guest wing had been built when the house was expanded, shortly after Father had purchased it, when prices for sugar cane were exceptionally high. The demand from England and. If youhave something special you love to have, bring a bottle and share it withus. Three women are meeting for a fascinating project. It is the beginningof a memorable evening and a dream like week. Eventually it is decided whether you will be the 'teacher' orthe 'student' when you begin the project tomorrow. For six structured nightsyou are the teacher on three nights and the student on three nights. Shedoes the same. Basically you take turns. The first night does not count as a structured night. It is a nightto put things in perspective. It also leaves next weekend completely openfor whatever the three of you decide you wish to explore and enjoy. Sotonight you get to know one another and learn how the retreat is structured.The exploring begins tomorrow. Every morning the teacher tells her studentwhat has happened so far in the teachers life. In the afternoon the studenttells the teacher about how she became the woman she is. Every day theroles switch. We have a way of capturing.
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