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Late that night when I sat down to watch some porn the email just popped into my mind and I thought why not, I should give it a shot and wrote an email back stating my interests and fetishes. And I masturbate to some shemale porn (don’t judge me coz I have some weird fetishes, huh). As I was about to sleep I got a reply from her saying that she was dominant, and our journey started there.Soon we started to chat and I got to know a lot about her, she was in her late 30’s, she was the cmo of a really big firm, 5 years back her husband died and she now lives alone in a big 3bhk flat, her kids were abroad studying and she was sexually frustrated. Multiple light bulbs started going off in my mind. I just wanted to fuck her (oh boy was I wrong). A week later we both became comfortable chatting and exchanged numbers. That night we talked and instantly I fell in love with her voice. It was sweet but firm and we used to chat and have phone sex from time to time.Now at this point, I wanted to. I road him back and forth as hard as I could and he placed his thumb on my clit to stimulate it. It wasn't long till my body tensed up and my pussy tightened around his cock and I could feel my bum was plugged as it tightened around the butt plug as I started moaning from the pleasure of another orgasm. After I finished orgasmning I got off my husband and he told me to kneel on all 4s again. Facing the tv my man moved behind me and he removed the butt plug from my ass. Dropping it on the bed as he entered his hard cock into my bum and slowly started thrusting back and forth in and out of my ass. He started quickening up the pace and soon he was fucking me relatively hard in my bum. I reached down to between my legs and rubbed my pussy, stimulating my clit while my man fucked my ass. I soon reached climax again and as my body tensed up, my bum tightened around my husbands cock and he started fucking me harder as I moaned and orgasmed. As I finished cumming my husbands cock exploded.
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