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And getting off on it, too.” “Jesus, Tina, what a nasty thing to say. And she can probably hear you.” “I don’t give a shit,” Tina fumed. Her heavy round breasts quivered as she stood knee-deep, jabbing her finger at the air like a steak knife. Her voice grew louder and more strained with every point. At least there were no neighbors close enough to disturb. “Maybe she should hear this. Maybe she’ll finally take a fucking hint.” “Hint? What are you talking about?” “C’mon, Zach, stop being as dumb as she is. The hint to get her shit together! I mean, you’re sure not gonna help her do it. You’ll just let her sponge off you as long as she feels like it.” “Oh for god’s sake, Tina, she’s not sponging off of anyone. She lost her job. Things have been really tough on her.” “Yeah, well things are tough on a lot of people. It doesn’t mean she has to be taking up space under your roof. God knows she takes up enough of it.” Zach had to catch himself and take a deep breath at Tina’s dig at. "She sighed tremulously. "Anything you want, darling; everything you desire. Tell me something else--did any of the girls you screwed--did any of them go down on you, eat that glorious prick?" No," he said. "They're kind of touchy about that." Then I'll be the first," she said. "I'd love that. Wait-- not Stella, either?"He shook his head, kissed her lips softly. "Not her, either. I was too worn out, after fucking her three times running. She said she was going to, though." After me, she will," Regina said. "I'm going to get at least one cherry from my own son."And with that, she twisted out from under him, snapped his stiff cock from the clasp of her pussy with a practiced roll of her ass, and urged him over onto his back."There, baby. Just lie there and relax while your mother takes care of you with some nice oral sex."He said, "Shouldn't I wipe off, or something?" No way," she said quickly. "I want to eat you just as you are, with your semen still on your cock, mixed with my.
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