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She danced for a moment or two and spun around so her skirt came up way above her stocking-tops. Her legs looked amazing in those lovely black stockings. Then Eddie came found from behind the bar and sat in an empty chair. We always left a free chair for him, so he could have fun watching the strippers, too.All strippers need a gimmick to make them different from others and, a moment later, we discovered what Susanna’s was. A lot closer to us now, right in front of us, she turned her back to us, bent right forward, turned her head to look back at us, put her hands up under her skirt to her waist, and pulled her g-string right down to her ankles. Her feet were a bit apart and we had a lovely look at her pussy lips between her legs. The place went crazy, with everyone cheering and applauding. It’s pretty unique for a stripper to show her pussy off to a room full of guys before they’d seen her tits, but that’s what Susanna did.She stayed bent forward like that for a moment, smiling at us. This is the way I want it, Dawn. This is the way I want you for the first time."I pushed down and down and down. There was no resistance at all. She was very tight, but oily-slick, and in ten seconds, I was buried to the hilt. She threw her head back and moaned. "So full," she groaned. "So deeeeep! OH, SSIIIIRRRR!"I knew right away that I wasn't going to last long. It had been almost half a year since I'd been with Rita ... or any woman, and this was one hell of a lot more than a dreamy hand job. She was superbly slick, and as if her vagina wasn't tight enough already, her inner muscles began flexing, as if trying to examine this monstrous new invader through feel. By sheer force of will, I began moving my body in slow, sensuous, purposeful thrusts into her. After four or five of these, she began meeting me with lunges of her own, arching her back and rising toward me, matching my cadence. I wanted to be tender this first time with her, and I gently tried to draw my head back until I.
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