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I was speechless, as Sophie said, “Come on Bert speak up.” I glanced around and saw the amused look on every ones face. I had not expected such an overt statement from Sophie. Then Erica said. “Is it true Bert, do you really have hidden desires to fuck my mother?” I gulped and said, ”Erica your mother is a beautiful sexy woman any man would love to fuck her,” “Bert what if I told you that you could fuck me, but there is a precondition?” Sophie said. Before answering, I looked at Erica and saw the same amused grin and an absolute look of lust in her eyes. Needless to say my cock was rock solid and my balls were aching. “And what would that be,” I asked fully aware of what the answer would be. “You would have to suck off Franklin to completion, in front of all of us, and then show us his cum in your mouth before swallowing,” she said. “But I’m not gay, I don’t suck cock,” I protested. “My dear I think you protest too much, and if you really want to fuck me, as much as I have been led,. Tabitha glanced up at him as he nervously ate his cereal. "Thanks," she said genuinely. "That's um ... cool."Adam breathed a sigh of relief as she smiled at him and then she nervously unwrapped the smallest present, cooing as she did. "Oh Sarah, thank you," she said, removing a gold chain from a box and holding it under the light, before wrapping it around her wrist. She looked down at her partner and held her hands out, hugging and then kissing her girlfriend. "It's beautiful," she cooed. "Wonderful."Sarah was next to unwrap her gifts, getting two bottles of wine and a box of chocolates from her school, followed by two tickets to see a comedian in Preston from Adam, a sex toy from Natalie, and a silk dress from Tabitha. She beamed at her "haul" and felt the dress against her skin before standing up and putting the red garment on, replacing the sheer nightdress she was wearing.Adam licked his lips, the dress showed off Sarah's cleavage nicely and whereas he barely noticed her breasts.
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