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. normal. That's why I agreed to play along with his little charade--at first. He needed to tell you the truth. He should have. I was willing to pretend for a few days. Not forever." I get that," I said, shrugging."I don't like to hide who I am, Rory. Eddie knows that, and that's why we're fighting." But, no one's lying about it anymore," I pointed out. "And you can't be angry about the picture, because I left that out." I could feel myself getting upset over this, but didn't understand why. If Jase didn't want me to leave, then why was he fighting with Eddie?"I'm sorry I did that. I don't know--maybe I did it on purpose, okay? Maybe I wanted..." Rory," Jase said gently. "It's okay; look, I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I think I will, given it's the only way you're going to understand. What you heard me fighting with Eddie about, wasn't just that picture. That's what he was angry about. What I was upset about, was the way he moved all of my things out of our bedroom. As I was talking to her I just kept thinking… there were no more ties to her, could I get her to try on a pair of my wife’s shoes for my enjoyment? I was totally unprepared; I didn’t expect to see her or anyone for that matter… where was I going to get a pair of shoes? And then it dawned on me that I had my wife’s car and there might actually be a pair in there. That’s when I started to formulate the plan, first thing… get her to sit down with me. That hurdle ended up being a lot easier than I had anticipated.So as we were sitting at a table talking about all sorts of common stuff I noticed she was really fidgety, not uncomfortable fidgety but, more like constantly crossing and uncrossing her legs, I could hear her sandals making a sliding noise on the tile floor. In the back of my mind I knew I had to figure out a way to use this to my advantage. So after 15 or 20 minutes I decided to just call her out about the noise of her sandals slipping and sliding on the tile floor. She laughed.
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