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Because of her age, however, she will have the services of her parents as regents?" Rada and John? I haven't put that on them yet. I doubt they'd be interfering in Bakhunin affairs overly." Yes," he sighed. "I guess we have a little emotion healing to do. Rada, she is recovering well?" As well as can be expected. It was touch and go, there, for a while." That pleases me," he smiled. "I have always thought she displayed admiral Bakhunin qualities coupled with Durrutti brains. A fine combination." You and your cursed bloodlines," Roger shook his head."Huh!" Sargon pulled a jar from inside an old shed. "See? A wise Bakhunin always has another card up his sleeve," he chuckled. Uncorking the jar, he took a long sniff. "Age has only improved the contents. Perhaps we've extended the metaphor too far in the past? It would be interesting to watch how these youngsters guide the team." Indeed!" Roger agreed. He took a long drag on the jar. "Whew!" he shivered. "Age still packs a punch!". U.C.K.. No one else knew anything about it, not even the name. The company had a nebulous idea that he was trying to come up with something to enhance sexual potency, a kind of super-Viagra, but they had no real expectation that anything would come of it. Uncle Albert had been doing the most crucial work secretly at home, working every weekend and far into the night using rare and expensive chemicals and natural and synthetic hormones that he had ordered at work and smuggled out. He had drawn on all his knowledge of genetics, neurology, and biochemistry and now his work was finished. After working all last night he had finally been able to distil a dose of his serum and he had left it to gently heat for the necessary sixteen hours while he went to work as usual. And then, with an anti-climax that would have been absurd were it not so tragic, on his way home he fell victim to a combination of pent-up excitement, lack of sleep, and the fact that the local council had recently.
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