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"Base go K9-13," the operator replied."Requesting code 7 at Park and Fenway," she requested."10-4 K9-13, code 7 at Park and Fenway," the base operator approved.She drove the Police cruiser into the drive-in and stopped in a vacant slot. A minute passed and one of the waitresses came by and took her coffee order. A short time after that she returned and handed the black Policewoman her coffee just as another cruiser parked next to her.Cecile smiled as she saw that it was her good friend Samantha Hanson. Officer Hanson was a short brunette that kept her hair very short, almost butch. Standing at only 5'3", she barely passed minimum height requirement when she joined the Police Academy, but her martial arts skills more than made up for her diminutive size.Cecile lifted her cup in greeting and nudged her to join her in her cruiser while they both took a break."How's it going Sam?" She asked."Not too bad, and you?" The newcomer asked."Can't complain either," Cecile quipped."I bet," Sam. In summary, it was a dismissal notice. It seemed that several of Dave’s colleagues had complained about his anger and short-tempered incivility. Dave had been warned and offered counselling and training but he had ignored everything. Now his bosses had decided it was time to let him go. They were going to be generous and offered to pay him a year’s salary and make it look like a redundancy. Ann and Dave clearly had a very difficult conversation ahead and one that Dave needed to be sober for.I hugged Ann and Tessa and held them close, it was all I could do. The reality was sinking in for them as well.As soon as we heard Dave crashing around next door Ann went back. She asked Tessa to stay with me. We heard Dave’s raised voice, but that was all and it quietened quickly. There was no more shouting. Tessa came and sat beside me on the sofa and I hugged her. Ann was back within an hour. Dave’s initial reaction had been bad but it had quickly dawned on him how serious things were. Instead.
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