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Balling Jenny has proved how fucking slutty she is cause her husband knows we sometimes fuck, but she said he gets home from work and she will want sex and she has him eat her out first not realizing she fucked me every single time and sent her home full mostly panties soaked threw with hot cum. His wifes been fucked by me or my buddys 9 out of 10 times she visits and pretty sure my slut fucked him while over there house if he was smart, cause his cocks really long and floods her chest with cum when he has been over for a couple partys. Horny sluts enjoy big cocks but he has never made the women cum while trying to keep his dick hard pure Jenny watches as her hung hubby stay rock hard most times with my sexy slut and screams like murder as soon as we start touching her big lips both our wives are loose lipped but her pussy actually is tighter but looks used and real big pulled on lips that look sweet spread open leaving this big clit hiding under those large lips that gush juice. Sellers--” I mumbled, but she placed her finger against my lips.“Hush, I think it’s a bit formal to call me, Mrs. Sellers, now, don’t you? Perhaps you’d better call me Jo, I mean, your stark naked and hard as iron, it would be a shame to need the formality, don’t you think? Now, lie back and relax.”Once more, her hands began their wandering, but that time in a more purposeful way. She slowly traced the area around my cock, so close, but never touching it. She caressed my balls, and I thought I’d gone to Heaven.I reached up to touch her breasts, but she stopped me, brushing my hands away almost angrily.“No. No touching. If you even try to touch me again, it ends that second. I’ll give you pleasure, but you keep your hands to yourself, Do you understand?”I didn’t, but I nodded, a little ashamed and upset.“So, put your hands behind your head. Don’t move them, don’t touch me, just relax and let me do all the work.”I did, aware all the time of my cock as hard as it had ever been. She.
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