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You may feel an increased wetness, but probably not. Guys will shove it deep and hold it there while sprting. Then, after the first half-dozen or so, they'll start thrusting again, trying to prolong the sensation. Ideally you get both of you straining toward the same end at the same time.I'm sure we did, but maybe not. When you're climaxing you don't stop and take notes! All I really knew was that we slowed, his thrusting eased, my pushing up at him also eased, and soon we were lying there, breathing hard, staring at each other.We kissed, which may seem anticlimactic after what we'd just done, but believe me, a kiss after a really good orgasm (and no climax is ever bad) is really special. It's really good if it lasts, and this one did.Girls stay aroused longer than guys, and I was soon aware that we had a case of "deflating cock". He slipped out of me after a bit. That's not always a bad thing, it means you can have the fun of getting him up again, and the pleasure of him putting it. While this exchange was taking place, the other enlisted men was looking over the luggage. One item was a bag that Kim seldom used. For its baggage tag it still had one of her Aerospace Technologies business cards that had been laminated in plastic with an attachment strap added. It still showed her maiden name. When the man saw the juxtaposition of her name with the company, his eyes widened, and he pointed out his discovery to his captain. The three were all in an engineer unit that had been assigned to the film company to handle collateral damage. Because, although they were not going to blow the bridge itself, they were going to blow some tanks, fuel trucks, and particularly a couple of ammunition trucks, the collateral damage could be significant, not that it mattered to the German government.And in civilian life the man was a mechanical engineer, as was the captain.Captain Müller’s read the tag and his eyes widened. To Kim he said in a tone of reverence, “You are Fräulein.
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