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I was drinking in every detail of his big cock, from the mushroom-shaped glans and thickly-veined shaft, to his big, loose balls. I wanted to touch but let my hand wander to my clit. My hubby stepped behind me and pulled on my hard nipples making me moan. "Oh my," said my Adonis, and took his cock and pulled it making it hard exposing his phalluses’ purple head. "You want to fuck me don't you?”. “Yes”, I murmured. “Good lady, keep tribbing yourself and make your pussy cum.” He told me. I did not need his encouragement; seeing him pulling back and forth his cock’s foreskin and exposing the mushroom head in a rhythmic motion made me want him fill me. My hubby squeezed and pulled hard on my nipples making me explode in a self-induced orgasm. I loved it and my Adonis told me that he’ll give us instructions on a special meeting that he’d plan for us.They were a normal couple.Bull for wife & cuck Within a week we received a package from my Adonis. In an accompanying note he said that he. " You have to cull the feeble." Camsa and a boy named Bosma were to be culled, as you call it. I took them in. They helped me later and we found out much more about the icons. Bosma died but I think Camsa is now better than he would have been with his old master and it had to do with his teaching methods." Killing is best." Only in some cases. To promote magic, these boys could have been allowed to breed. Perhaps their progeny would become great." We do not want wild talent or the entire population knowing magic." Why?" Why, they would fight with magic and kill everybody." Has this happened before?" Yes, twice."Now this shocked me and I guess it showed. I knew there had been major wars a long time ago but not that magic had been a factor.Osston said, "Magic almost doomed our people in the past. There were great wars. Not just cities, whole countries were obliterated. It was mainly the scattered barbarians that lived to make up a new population. Many generations later when the.
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