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I will provide you with the details. The device that you will wear can be removed if you choose. However, if you do so I will know and then, quite simply, you will not be allowed to come here again."George bit his lip."If you beg me to remove it, I may do so but I do not promise to. I may get bored with the idea and remove it anyway. I may not. You need to be certain that this is something you want." I understand, Mistress," George said.++ ++ ++George arrived at Erica's with a dry mouth, both expectant and fearful of his anticipated meeting with Erica."Good morning, Mr Franks," Rebecca greeted him cheerily. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a while, Ms.Wilkie is with another client at the moment and can't be disturbed."The waiting rooms for Erica's consultations looked like any other professionals offices. A few not very comfortable chairs stood along one wall with a low table in front of them carrying an assortment of out of date magazines. George, nervously clutching the bag. About halfway, Harry had to set the boy down for a minute to recover before carrying him further.Arms aching, back sore, sweating heavily, and legs on the verge of collapsing, it was with a sense of great relief that Harry saw the entrance to health center. He staggered into the building, nearly dropping the boy, and reached the front desk. The receptionist behind the desk looked at the pair and turned as though to call a nurse to the front. The scene faded as Harry returned to the meadow. Harry found he was holding the chain of the medallion instead of the boy.Another person was lying on the ground not far from where he stood. After glancing back at the naked woman, he walked in the direction of the person. The scene shifted around him to where he was walking down an alley in the middle of a frigid snowstorm, pushing his way through the snow. The cold sucked his body heat with a tenacity worthy of a pit bull. His hands and feet were first to go numb. His cock and balls were pulled.
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