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He started putting his fingers inside my mouth and using my spit as a lubricant to finger my man cunt.Initially, the pain was sharp because my last fuck was around 4 months ago. But I relaxed. Two of his fingers were sliding in easily. Once my canal was slick and slimy, he asked me to give his dick a nice suck.Knowing well that I was going to be fucked hereafter, I gave his dick a nice suck and coated it with as much drool as I could. The slimy dick was shining with spit, and he asked me to sit on it. I placed the dick on the entrance of my cunt and gradually bore down.The tip went inside, followed by the head, which stretched my sphincter. I felt a sharp pain. But my own weight and the willingness to be a good wife made me take his whole length inside. Gradually the pain subsided, replaced by a feeling of fullness in my ass.As I got comfortable, he started thrusting. I also started matching his thrusts with an up and down riding motion on his cock. After a while, we changed to a. Sergeant, I love my wife, and there is no reason that I can think of that would cause me to take her life, and the life of our daughter. We have been trying for some time to have children and it has finally happened. We couldn’t have been happier.’ My mind went back to the day just over a month ago when we got the news that she was pregnant. After a celebratory dinner we cleared a room and began to set it up as a nursery. The whole house took on a new life, gone were the days of just hoping for a miracle, it had arrived. Now it has all gone. ‘You remembered something nice and now it’s gone.’ Madeline, I feel that I can call her that, not to her face mind you, reached over the desk and placed her hand on mine and squeezed it. I sat there with my head bowed for a minute or two and then raised my face and brushed the tears from my eyes. ‘I was just remembering when we found out that Jenny, her name is really Genevieve, was finally pregnant. Now it’s all gone, finished, along with my.
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