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"Good! Girls!" Scallop called. Pen and Peg were there immediately. "Measure her feet, do it carefully. I will make matching riding boots for her to go with these."So I sat carefully while my feet were measured. The twins managed to stop giggling long enough to tell me that they had come to be almost as invaluable to the mistress of the shop as their mother, and that they had learned quickly under Scallop's watchful eye exactly how to take measurements in a way that best suited her."I have never seen it done more efficiently, I can say that for sure." I said, which brought back the giggles.By the time we were done with all the measuring and selecting, it was getting close to time for midday meal. I came out of the dressing room with my old leathers on again and my belt pouch and weapons back in place."Ladies, do you close up shop for midday meal, or do you eat on the fly?" I asked."We usually let the girls go home and eat with their father." Sienna said. "Scallop and I either skip the. My bosses had kept me too busy wasting my time to actually enjoy anything, then dumped me off at the hotel once they had scored tickets to some movie studio party. Up in my room I felt useless and abandoned. I drank a couple of the small liquor bottles from the mini fridge before I decided to go down and drink in the bar like an adult. A while later I was a few drinks deep and feeling pretty high when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to find a pretty blond smiling at me. Just beyond her I could see two well groomed guys dressed for a night on the town. They actually looked a lot like my bosses only slightly sleazier. ‘There you are, bro,’ the blond said. Even slightly inebriated I could tell by the look on her face that she was throwing a Hail Mary in the hopes that I could help her get away from the sleazy dudes. I am a generally decent guy, but even if I wasn’t, I would have helped her just because it meant screwing with those two guys. I called upon all the drunken.
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