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Believe me, I raised plenty of hards just looking at you. Man oh man--but I dig the way your sleek ass moves when you walk, and how your tits bob up and down, and that bitchy look around your eyes." My baby," she said, stroking his back and moving her ass in tender small circles, sliding her hairy pelvis over his. "Darling--I never knew. I mean, there were times when the thought of having sex with you passed briefly through my mind, but immediately following that thought came the big taboo of incest. So I shoved the idea away. Now I'm sorry I did. Just think of all the fucking we could have had by now." We'll make up for it, Mom," he said. "We'll fuck all we want, all we can stand, and then we'll think of something else." Oh son, I love you," she murmured, stroking tenderly upon his imbedded prick. "I love you in every way now--as my boy, my baby; as my lover, my husband--as my hard young prick."He kissed her, slid his tongue into her welcoming mouth, but only for a little while;. “She is,” Birch said, and Emi could hear the pride in his voice. “She’s my perfect slave.” Mr. Smith stood abruptly. He moved slowly round behind her, and Emi could feel his appraising stare as he inspected the back view. She kept her position, although her calf muscles were starting to ache now. He returned to stand in front of her. His right hand seized one of Emi’s naked breasts and squeezed hard. Her first reaction was shock, and the desire to twist out of his grasp, but Birch was watching her closely, and Emi knew that how she behaved would reflect on him. She could smell Mr. Smith’s aftershave, see the flecks of grey in his hair. He was taller than Emi, even with her heels on, probably 6’4”, and Emi was very tall for a woman. He was very thin, too, but with a wiry strength that Emi could feel first hand as he crushed her left tit viciously with his vice like fingers. She held her breath, concentrating on dealing with the pain, trying not to fight it, but to relax.
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