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Bill nodded as they all stood. “As Knights of the realm we must have all of you dressed as is your station.” Sighing Bill shook his head. “At present there isn’t much for you but soon there will be. I am hoping that all of you are able to train many to protect the kingdom.”“Yes sire, we will start as soon as possible.” Roth replied. “Though sire, with the knight’s by your side shouldn’t you go through with the coronation?”Bill could only sigh, everyone was so eager to make him a moving target! “I will take that into consideration. At present things are safer now at least in the palace, or they will be after a few days.” When Roth and the others looked a little confused Bill explained. “It was found that the palace was a haven for a multitude of listening devices.”“Ah! That was why I saw all those techs going in a while ago.” Roth said.“Yes,” Turning to the other three Bill stated. “As you can see I have my father’s temper, not as bad but I do have it. I will not tolerate betrayal as. 1 more day until Christmas. But first I have to make it through the office party. Work's been crazy, we're all working overtime, plus with my stint as Santa I just want to head home. Nope, it's been "highly recommeneded" we attend. Ah hell, might as well enjoy some free food. I have no desire to see most of my coworkers outside of work. Well maybe 1 or 2 would look nice all disheveled on my bed, but not gonna happen. Still, I make the best of it. I wander around, chatting randomly with others and eating. Thankfully there's an open bar.The company's not very large, maybe around 100. I'm pretty familiar with those there, or at least I thought I was. I see this beautiful raven-haired girl sitting in the corner, nervously snacking on some crackers. Wearing a sparkly silver dress, she looked stunning. She stands as I draw closer. She's short, maybe 5 foot. Small tits (my fave). I offer her a drink. She says, a little tipsily, "Sure, a Coke'd be fine."I head to the bar and order up a rum.
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