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"He stealthed me and filmed me. Then he laughed." Too much for Lidia she got up to run but was stopped when Jax grabbed her wrist. She tried to pull away but Jax held her firmly. He stood up and pulled her around into a hug. A big strong warm hug. Lidia tried to push him off but after a moment relented and began bawling in his arms. The others in the room were now watching in hushed voice at the commotion. Jax paid them no mind, this girl was hurt and he was not going to let that happen again. The waiter returned unsure what to do, "is everything ok?" Jax looked around the stunned faces of the other customers and back to the waiter, "we're going to be going." The two left the small dinner without another word. Jax held Lidia in his arms the whole way. They walked in silence around the perimeter of the truck stop for a long time before either of them spoke. Although Lidia had taken the pill a few days after it had not worked. She hated the idea of abortion but the idea she might be. Sue and my wife go to the mall and just as they get there Kat hands Sue a pair of benwon ball tells her to put them into her twat and you better not drop them! They wall the mall and my wife rubs her ass and tits and playfully smacks her cunt when none is looking. Sue's cunt is on fire her tits are hard and tring to poke holes in her top pussy juice runing down her legs and that PLEASE FUCK ME LOOK on her face as they go into a dress shop the sales girl looks up at Sue and just as she starts to ask her if she is ok Sue can't take it and cuming hard shakes and grons the girl not knowing what to do just stares at her.My wife laghting grabs Sue and pulls her away. The two head back to the car Sue is talking unstop did you see her face OMG that was great you are great OMG WHAT ELSE HAVE I MISSED? Kat says we are about to show you just that. pulling into our driveway Kat brings Sue into our bedroom kissing herall over undressing her to puting her down on the bed says I'll be right.
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