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”An instant later, the clamps holding their wrists together release and fall with a clang to the floor. Jonathan rubs his wrists and asks, “And why the hell should we trust you?”Natalya grins deviously. “Without me you will fail in your feeble attempt to stop Tancheres.”Melissa places her hand on her partner’s arm, stealing a glance from him which she ignores as she steps forward toward Natalya. “And you’re going to let us go in exchange for us to stop Tancheres. What’s in it for us other than the fact we get to stop him from destroying anymore cities?”“Oh, I don’t want you to stop him from destroying cities, at least not his next one,” Natalya says drawing a serious look from both agents. “Moscow is the next target, the hub of the Goji world.”“And you’d like to see it destroyed?” Melissa asks skeptically.The Goji examines her nails as if looking for some kind of defect in them for a moment before finally looking up with an answer. “Let’s just say I have a few enemies I’d like to be. My jaw dropped and my cock somehow got harder.When she pushed her panties down her 5" cock sprang free and pointed right at my face. I was shocked and weirdly aroused. Here was this beautiful woman with amazing tits, a firm, jaw-dropping ass, and her pretty face with her soft lips. But then where her pussy should be a hard cock staring me in the face.I am still not sure why but it barely fazed me. It surprised me but after the initial shock, all I could think of was how this beautiful woman wanted me. I stood up and pulled her close to me and kissed her deeply. She pulled away and looked at me hopefully, smiling."It is ok that I have a, you know," she asked casting her eyes down.I pulled her face up with a finger under her chin and said, "You are the hottest girl I have ever been with. I have never been so turned on in my life."With that, I reached down and grabbed her cock. I had only ever held mine before but I just started stroking her. It felt natural and I felt like I might.
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