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The real story begins here. To copy from the book is hard as there was about 200 plus pages so I needed a professional typist which we have in our villages computer center. That lady was kind of my friend as I used to go to that computer center most of the time for watching porn or cartoons her name was Pavithra (obviously fake name). I asked her the favor of typing the whole book for me she too said OK and all for a reasonable price but I decreased it afterwards. So for this main reason I used to visit the computer center for a whole month in that time she used to talk to me, I made new friends whom were elder to me. All of them liked me as I was younger to them and they kind of started thinking me as their younger brother.When I am alone in that center I used to tell her about the girls in my college and other boring stuffs which happens in my college. Names sorry I forgot about them that typist name is Pavithra, another girl’s name is Anjana who was a regular visitor of that. She had bought two rolls of it for this purpose and when she did put on a flannel shirt on top of it the illusion was almost complete. The last stage included the fake moustache she had bought at the shop that sold theatre props.Once that was in place, she slipped on a pair of baggy jeans leaving the cock to stick out through the fly. She smiled at herself, or rather she smiled at Jack, or rather still, Jack smiled at himself. She pulled up her desk chair and sat down in front of the mirror. As she softly caressed the cock she began to feel its effect inside her. She wrapped her hand around the shaft and began moving it up and down the way men jerked off.Inside her, the saddle moved with each tug and soon she was lost in pleasure. The image in the mirror, of Jack, stroking his big cock, was enough to cause Jackie's cunt to explode within a matter of seconds, squirting inside the jeans, and then again a minute later, and again, and again , each orgasm more intense than the one before.
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