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I don’t need to see their faces to know they aren’t as ready for that as they thought.Both readjusted to have my hand loosely hanging over their chests again.Surprisingly, at least to me, I fell asleep sitting up. The girl who was sitting on my thighs found my dick poking up into her in my sleep. She did her best to slide up my body away from it. I must have sensed it because I was holding her butt up so she didn’t have it poking into where wouldn’t have any chance of fitting, no matter how ready she was right now for it to go in there. A bit of gentle repositioning had her back sitting on my thighs with my hard dick sandwiched between us. The other two girls somehow manage to get their bodies positioned so that my arm was between their tits with their head against my shoulder.Softly I heard, “See. I told you that you were completely wrong about Darren. I’m sure she wanted to mount him, even if her body isn’t yet ready physically to take it. You’re trying to convince me that she would. I promise to be a true and loving partner from this day forward, in all life’s circumstances, as we face them together. In the joys and sorrows, the good times and bad, in sickness or in health, I will always be there for you, to comfort you, love you, to honour and cherish you both, now and forever more.’ He took the ring from Sid and placed it on the tip of Denise’s finger. ‘This, to me, is a marriage, sweetheart. Nothing less,’ he told her as they made eye contact and held it as he pushed the ring home, his platinum joining Anne’s yellow-gold. Denise smiled, there were tears in her eyes but she was happy, that was certain. To his left, Ken held the remaining ring. Stan took it and put it similarly on Anne’s fingertip. ‘You, my beautiful darling, are equally my wife. Always will be,’ he told her, as they looked at each other, love in their shining eyes. On Anne’s finger the rings were now platinum and red-gold. Elaine cued up another track and turned up the volume. Carole King’s.
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