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.cold as a motherfucker.” At the same time I watched him strip down naked from his shorts and wife beater undershirt and he made his way to the water. I went out further in where I knew I could actually swim, as most of it was more shallow. Mikey finally was in the water and we fucked around for a while, talking and splashing water at each other’s faces. After about a half hour or so, we laid on a couple of big towels at the edge of the creek and it was then that the unexpected happened…this dude walked up to where we were and I was thinking “Oh fuck…I’m in deep shit.” It was a man around my age with a shaved head and long beard and looked like a mountain type guy, wearing a pair of overalls. He was grinning at us and said “Well, what we got here?”I didn’t know yet what to make of the dude and I said “Hey, just catchin a swim with my cuz here.”He nodded and was feasting his eye on Mikey. Then he looked at me and motioned for me to get up and go talk to him for a second. Mikey. We take all the stuff into the garage and put everything on the workbench.I tell her we are cleaning out the garage as we load the stuff into my pickup it takes two trips to goodwill but we get all the stuff out of the garage. She looks at me and I tell her to make me lunch. I get the drill out and mount the eyebolts in the wall and floor. Then I cut the wood rods at different lengths and drill holes in them the same size as the rope.she brings me my lunch. As we eat I informed her that from now on she will wear her new collar anytime dad isn’t around including in public she gets it out of the sack and puts it on then skips to the bathroom to look at it on. I tell her to get in the truck as we are going to get carpet. I buy a remnant piece and roll it out over the bolts then cut it just enough so they stick thru. She finally asks what are the bolts for I tell her they are to tie her to she giggles and says when can we play I tell her after dark.After dinner dad calls and says.
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