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That's why you didn't want me to lay with you." She moved back to the other side of the bed and said, "Here bro just lay on your back in the middle of the bed." With out thinking about what she had in mind I did as she asked. I moved slowly into the middle of the bed and lay on my back, turning my head to the side to watch my sister. She smiled sweetly and then lightly moved her hand onto my arm, causing a slight shiver. She smiled and slowly moved her hand back and forth on my arm. "Just relax bro." I tried to do as she said, taking in a deep breath. I turned my head away from her and closed my eyes, allowing her hand to move from my arm slowly to my stomach. Her hand lightly did circles on my chest and stomach, a small 'oohhh' escaping her lips. I figured it had something to do with the muscles on my stomach and chest and just laughed a bit.She then glided her hand down my stomach, making me shiver a bit. I didn't do anything as her hand moved down below my waist until I felt her. ”Mom had ordered us something called a Car Bomb Rib-Eye Steak, which Claire and I shared, feeding each other, which was kind of fun. I saw K itching to dance. I asked Mom if she brought any music with her.She went into her purse and pulled out CDs labeled, Rhumba, Samba, Mambo, Cha-Cha, Quickstep, Bolero, Jive, Slow Waltz, Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz, Paso Doble, and Tango.I looked over at K and said, “Six-Pack, K?”“Oh, yeah!” she said. I took it up to the DJ and he gladly took it, and he said through his microphone, “What song does Pittsburgh like most?”They all yelled back, “SIIIIIIIIIX-PAAAAACK!”I looked over at Sarah, who was smiling like the Cheshire Cat, and she nodded her head.The song started, and K was absolutely brilliant. Her legs move like a prima ballerina, so effortlessly, and we went from rhythm to rhythm as the number went on, our spins were perfect, and we ended exactly with the CD. She gave me a nice little lip-kiss after, and we went back to the table.“Sarah,” I asked..
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