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The planks were to be at least twelve feet long. He saw her frown once the string was taut."Problem?" Yeah. Lots of extra room on this end. We need to center things more." How?" A twelve foot long template?"Their eyes met, Liuz seeing Kasia realizing the brilliance of her idea even as he did. He stood, smiling."Let's do it!"The half hour spent building and perfecting their marking guide was more than made up for by the speed they were able to plow through the planks. Liuz held the long branch in place, while Kasia adjusted its position and made the marks. By mid-day, they moved on to helping chisel out the notches, although given their lack of strength it was mostly make-work as they waited for more logs to be split.Taking a break, Kasia took in the entire building process. Felled trees were turned into logs of various standard sizes. The logs were pulled to where they were needed, notched, positioned, and lashed. Where all the rope had come from, she had no idea. Someone had been. Megan is my administrative assistant. I will put you on my shout list. If you call the office, she will find me quickly. I am always available to those on my shout list. It includes Wanda, Jim, the president of the company, Chan, and Julie. Now, it will include you."If I went to one of your conferences, would we have some time to be together?" Yes, most of the work is during the day. Sometimes, there is a dinner but you could attend that and we have to eat once in a while after all." Sharon, we'll have to work at it just to see each other. I travel a lot in my job and usually fly out of Atlanta. There is service from Tifton, Thomasville, and Macon to Atlanta but it's slow and the timing is usually inconvenient. I usually drive up and take some time with the kids now that both are here. That will be particularly true since I will be trying to see you."I will be in Tifton all of this week but leave for the other plants and some sales calls the next week. The week after that finds me.
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